
    @RELEASE: 6.8-2


    ==== CL 15673 ====
    @FIX: orphaned job processes left behind on Windows workers, especially when the proxy.exe program dies unexpectedly

    ZD: 15518

    ==== CL 15653 ====
    @FIX: setting jobss "pgrp" value prior to submission is ignored for all but the first job when submitting a list of jobs via a single call to the qbsubmit() API routine

    JIRA: QUBE-1536
    ZD: 15528

    ==== CL 15650 ====
    @FIX: Explicitly setting "host.memory" in worker_resources broken on Linux

    ZD: 15505
    JIRA: QUBE-1531

    ==== CL 15642 ====
    @FIX: Unix (Linux/OSX) workers, when running a cleanup process for a teminating job instance (via removeJob()), would sometimes inadvertently kill processes belonging to other job instances, due to process IDs once owned by the terminating job being reused by the system.

    ZD: 15548

    ==== CL 15587 ====
    @FIX: cmdline and cmdrange jobtypes don't report the jobtype version in the job logs

    ==== CL 15567 ====
    @FIX: supervisor_default_max_cpus value was not being applied properly

    ZD: 15503
    JIRA: QUBE-1528

    ==== CL 15560 ====
    @CHANGE: "modify" operation will print, into the supelog and the job's .hst file, the values of the newly modified parameters

    JIRA: QUBE-1318
    ZD: 14979

    ==== CL 15555 ====
    @FIX: prevent "upgrade_worker --reset" from printing out "table does not exist" error message.

    JIRA: QUBE-817

    ==== CL 15531 ====
    @NEW: add run_program_and_convert_encoding.pl script, which is a wrapper to run any given program and convert its stdout from and to specified encodings (like UTF-16le to UTF-8).

    Added to support 3dsmax batch (i.e., "cmdrange") submissions.

    JIRA: QUBE-1210

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