Step by step instructions for submitting Maya jobs with Qube!
You will need to have installed the Maya jobtype. If you see a Qube! menu item in the top menu bar, the jobtype is already installed, and you can move to Step 2.
If you are not familiar with the installation process please refer to the Quickstart section on installing workers, or to Installing Jobtypes. <if this doesn't exist, it should> You will need to select "Maya Jobtype" during the installation process.
If you only wish to use the "batch maya jobs" you can install the InApp plugins via the Qube! WranglerView.
File > Install App UI > Install Maya App UI

Once installed you should be able to locate the "Qube!" menu in Maya
InApp Location:
File menu > Qube!
With a scene loaded in Maya choose "Submit Render Job..." or "Submit Batch Render..." depending on your requirements
This will present a pre filled submission UI
Ensure sections marked in red have the correct details
Click submit
For further details on the submission UI look in the right panel
If you find you are getting errors here are some useful links for troubleshooting
Below Is an expandable view of the "Maya Job..." Jobtype Submission UI
Please click on the text below the section of interest