Maya 6.7-0 Jobtype
This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.7-x.
==== CL 13889 ====
@FIX: excutable search was partially broken, not searching in all relevant directories.
ZD: QUBE-839
==== CL 13817 ====
@NEW: add Maya 2016 support to loadOnce "maya" jobtype
==== CL 13783 ====
@NEW: add support for QB_VRAY_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable, which can be specified to allow the v-ray DR slave job instances to find the vray.exe program installed in a non-standard location.
ZD 13000
==== CL 13360 ====
@FIX: support 'use all cores' for Maya LoadOnce mentalray renders
@CHANGE: expose 'use all cores' widget in maya submission UI
==== CL 13344 ====
@FIX: mentalray for maya 2012 and later only supports 4 slaves
@CHANGE: selecting mentalray DBR sets upper limit on job.cpus, sets instance count to max.
==== CL 13110 ====
@FIX: fixed sceneMayaVersion() routine to correctly parse Maya ASCII (.ma) files for the required maya version.