Administrators may want to permanently remove a host from the farm. This is normally required if the host is no longer being used as a Worker, or no longer exists.
Removing a Worker host places it in a list of banned hosts and the Supervisor will no longer track the host, even if auto-discovery would normally register such a host with the Supervisor.
Worker Removal
With WranglerView:
From the command-line:
% qbadmin worker --remove worker_host
Where worker_host is the hostname or IP address of a Worker.
Clearing the ban on a worker
Qube! administrators may also clear banned hosts so that they will be able to register with the Supervisor.
With WranglerView:
from the command-line:
Clearing a single host from the banned list% qbadmin worker --unremove mac_address
Where mac_address is the hardware address of a Worker.
Clearing all of the banned hosts
% qbadmin worker --clearbanned
Note: Once you clear the ban on a previously removed worker, you should just have to re-start the Worker service, at which point it will re-attempt to register with the supervisor.