User Permissions
Qube! contains a permissions mechanism to allow administrators to control user access. The permissions are broken down into classes:
- Administrative
- Submission
- Job Control
The default permission set is configured by supervisor_default_security in the Supervisor's qb.conf file to prevent remote administrators from modifying it.
Each permission must be specified per user. Users not listed in the table will use the default permission set.
Individual and group user permissions are specified using the user access list which is modified from the QubeGUI User Permission View or by using the qbusers command.
In the WranglerView, the user groups are separated from the user by a ":".
Refer to qbusers for commandline examples.
Group Permissions
Qube! user groups are designed to collect a set of users into a kind of partition where each user can only control other jobs owned by users in the same group. Each user in the group then can be granted permissions that only affect the jobs of other group members.
Qube! groups might be put to use at a facility that has a team of people responsible for managing the day-to-day workload on the compute farm, but only need to have the ability to control the jobs of other team members. Instead of granting full administrator privileges, the team would be placed in a group.
A group can be managed by either a actual Qube! administrator, or by the group's administrator. However, the group administrator is not allowed to add users to the group, they are only allowed to modify the permissions of already existing users.
User permissions take precedence over group permissions. For example, if a user doesn't have permission to kill a job, even if their group permissions allow it, the user still won't be able to kill a job. A user with "administrator" or "impersonate" privileges is not subject to this restriction.
A common group permission scenario: set of users with a "group" administrator
You can use the Group permissions to create a set of users, and then make only certain users have the admin rights to this restricted set of users.
The trick is to add the user to the new group with no permissions. You'll end up with a user of the same name (but not in the group) with the same set of permissions as the [default]
permission set. Then, grant the privileged user in that group the admin
The cmdline-equivalent is:
jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --add --group showA foo jburk ## neither user was explicitly granted privileges before this modified group permissions jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --list total 8 ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn [default] asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn administrator ---- --- ------------------ bar ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn foo [default] ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn jburk [default] asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn qube asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn qubesupe asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn root asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn system jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --member group total 8 [default] -- ------------------ default foo -- ------------------ showa jburk -- ------------------ showa
Notice that both users "jburk" and "foo" in the "showa" group have no "group" privilege. Both users still still have exactly the same privileges as if they weren't explictly granted privileges; they can't modify each other's jobs.
Then grant the 'admin' privilege to 'jburk', but only in the "showA" group, that user's privileges remain unchanged outside of that group.
jburk-15-mbPro:python jburk$ qbusers --group showa --add --admin jburk jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --list total 8 ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn [default] asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn administrator ---- --- ------------------ bar ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn foo [default] ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn jburk [default] asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn qube asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn qubesupe asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn root asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn system jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --member group total 8 [default] -- ------------------ default foo -- ------------------ showa jburk a- ------------------ showa jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --group showA --drop foo modified group permissions jburk-15-mbPro:~ root# qbusers --list total 7 ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn [default] asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn administrator ---- --- ------------------ bar ---l jc- krmpbuicseyqg-vftn jburk [default] asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn qube asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn qubesupe asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn root asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgpvftn system
Common Permission Actions
List users and their permissions:
WranglerView: See the Users Layout for a hierarchical list
Command-line: qbusers --list
Add one or more users and assign permissions:
WranglerView: In User Layout, right-click and select "Add New User"
Command-line: (Use format for --add under changing a user's permissions)
Change a user's permissions:
WranglerView: In User Layout, select user, right-click "Change Permissions"
Command-line (Add Permission): qbusers --add
permission [permission,…] user [user,…]
Note: the "--all" option will add all non-admin user permissions for the user
Command-line (Remove Permission): qbusers --delete
permission [permission,…] user [user,…]
Delete a user:
WranglerView: In User Layout, select user, right-click "Remove User/Group"
Command-line: qbusers --drop
user [user…]
List group membership:
WranglerView: See the Users Layout for a hierarchical list
Command-line: qbusers --member
Add User to a Group:
WranglerView: In User Layout, select user, right-click "Add User Group"
Command-line: qbusers --add --group
group user [user,…]
Remove User from a Group:
WranglerView: In User Layout, select user group, right-click "Remove User/Group"
Commmand-line: qbusers --drop --group
group user [user,…]
Change permissions to the user group:
WranglerView: In User Layout, select user group, right-click "Change Permissions"
Command-line (Add Permission): qbusers --group group --add
permission [permission,…] user [user…]
Command-line (Remove Permission): qbusers --group group --delete
permission [permission,…] user [user…]