The qb::genframes() function returns a reference to a hash array, keyed to individual frames. This array is called an "agenda." Qb::genframes() contains a parser that can handle a number of ways of specifying lists of frames.
Single frame |
1 |
Frame range |
1-100 |
Range by step |
1-100x3 |
Comma |
1,2,3 |
Negative |
-100 |
Complex |
-100-100 |
Table 1: Frame specification
Additionally, there is a convenience function called rangesplit() that can return an array of frame numbers based on the specified list string.
Submit the job. A job is essentially a reference to a hash. The hash contains a set of key-value pairs with various job parameters, as well as the pointer to the agenda. This job package gets sent to the Qube system via the qb::submit() function.
The function returns a hash reference containing information about the submitted job, including the job ID.