@RELEASE: 7.0-1d
==== CL 20111 ====
@FIX: in-app submission UI's are not pre-populated
@FIX: AE movie format comps are not submitted as a single-partition job
@FIX: AE JSON submission files are not deleted after submission
@RELEASE: 7.0-1
==== CL 19774 ====
@FIX:Added quoting to -RStemplate and -OMtemplate options
==== CL 19771 ====
@CHANGE: remove "banned hosts" management from AV, requires SQL access
==== CL 19764 ====
@FIX: submission dialogs close when AV auto-refreshes
@FIX: AVSettings objects continually created, not acting like a singleton as intended
@RELEASE: 7.0-0
==== CL 19771 ====
@CHANGE: remove "banned hosts" management from AV, requires SQL access
==== CL 19764 ====
@FIX: submission dialogs close when AV auto-refreshes
@FIX: AVSettings objects continually created, not acting like a singleton as intended
==== CL 19758 ====
@FIX: AV can't connect to a supervisor that's a patch level above (e.g., 6.10-0 vs 6.10-0a)
@CHANGE: increment AV version to 7.0-0
==== CL 16340 ====
@FIX: agenda and instance timeouts set in AV submission UI's don't add the
necessary callbacks to the job
==== CL 15983 ====
@NEW:If command line args require a delimiter between the option and the arg
(i.e. mximerge), you can now specifiy the delimiter in the field's definition.
==== CL 15862 ====
@NEW:If a submit script button defines "data_function", then that function will
be used to determine start_dir
==== CL 15717 ====
@CHANGE:preSubmitValidate function takes the passed in job_dict rather than the
dialog as an argument (being that the dialog does not yet exist when this
function is run).
==== CL 15698 ====
@FIX:Fix issue where if a preference is set for a field, but that fiels is
wathcing another, the preference will be ignored during startup.
==== CL 15689 ====
@NEW:submission dialogs can now provide preShowValidate and preSubmitValidate
functions for user-defined validation prior to the submisison dialog being
displayed and/or prior to the job being submitted, respectively.
==== CL 15617 ====
@CHANGE:Fix date selection widget in delayed job start tab so that selectable
dates are more obvious
==== CL 15601 ====
@FIX:Fix issue where render command args with empty paths would be sent to the
command line as an optionless arg as opposed to leaving out the arg all together.
==== CL 15580 ====
@FIX:Fix issue that prevents string widgets with "browse" buttons from being
populated through command-line-launched submission dialogs
@FIX:Fix issue that ignored job flags passed in through the command line
==== CL 15481 ====
@FIX:Fix issue where override parameters present in the submission dialog would
not be used in the command line of the running job.
==== CL 15433 ====
@FIX:Fix issue where fields that have no value still appear in the command
string with "None" as the argument.
==== CL 14748 ====
@NEW: add popItem, pushItem, insertItem, and clear methods to ComboField widget
@NEW: add "archive job" button to the submission UI
@NEW: add get/setRange to the IntField class
@NEW: add insertItem, findText, removeItem, clear methods to ComboField
@CHANGE: preShowDialog, preDialog, postDialog take 'dialog'
@CHANGE: preSubmit takes dialog,job
@CHANGE: postSubmit takes dialog,submitted_jobs
==== CL 14679 ====
@NEW: ESC key cancels submission, closes the submit dialog; calls the same action as the 'Cancel' key