Highlighted 6.9 Features and Changes
No major new features or changes are present in this release.
New features
==== CL 16971 ====
@NEW:Add support for multi-channel EXR's to Modo UI in WV
==== CL 16911 ====
@NEW:Maya 2017 support for the maya_mray_texbake and mayabatch simplecmds
==== CL 16854 ====
@NEW:3DS Max 2017 Jobtype Support for WranglerView
==== CL 16499 ====
@NEW: add support for Maya 2016.5 (Extension 2) to simplecmds/maya_mray_texbake.py
@NEW: add support for Maya 2016 and 2016.5 (Extension 2) to simplecmds/submit_mray.py
==== CL 16093 ====
@NEW: add installation/setup and usage doc for the Maya-mentalray texture bake job
ZD: 15255
==== CL 16054 ====
@NEW: add support for Maya 2016.5 (Extension 2) to maya batchRender jobs in WV
==== CL 15995 ====
@NEW: maya turtlebake is now agenda-based, multiple bakeLayers can be processe
concurrently by different instances
==== CL 15776 ====
@NEW add support for Maya turtlebake batch renderer
==== CL 15765 ====
@NEW: Support new (as of v10) Modo version naming convention
==== CL 15575 ====
@NEW: add data integrity check for jobs that have been in a "registering" state
for more than 1 hour
==== CL 16640 ====
@FIX: setting defaults for flightCheck values results in a corrupted value
==== CL 16600 ====
@FIX: C4D jobs with spaces in either image output or multipass output render
directories fail, paths need quoting
@FIX: path conversion not applied to -oimage and -omultipass options
==== CL 16519 ====
@FIX: WV doesn't raise an error dialog when the supervisor rejects a job due to
an invalid host groups value
==== CL 16383 ====
@FIX: "browse output dirs" and "open job log dir" doesn't work on Ubuntu
==== CL 16081 ====
@FIX: global resources are not populating the reservation 'Browse' dialog when
submission UI's are launched outside of WV itself, ie. launched stand-alone
from within a 3rd-party application
==== CL 16075 ====
@FIX: maya batchrender resubmission does not set the thread count in the command-line
==== CL 16014 ====
@FIX: properly quote -im value if it contains spaces
@FIX: properly escape -im value if it contains angle-brackets and -rfs option
is in use on Windows
==== CL 16000 ====
@FIX: use of "-rfs" option combined with the use of angle brackets (<>) in the
image name on Windows results in a command-line which will not start
==== CL 15998 ====
@FIX: catch case where auto-genereated maya batch UI's attempt to set the
default value for an integer field.
==== CL 15997 ====
@FIX: add support for an -rfs value of 0
==== CL 15995 ====
@FIX: -renderThreads control now hidden and not used, turtlebake renderer has a
bug either parsing or supporting this argument
==== CL 15967 ====
@FIX: Min File Size maximum value is too small at 100KB, increased to 100MB
==== CL 15928 ====
@FIX: use of `-rfs` (renumber frame start) maya batchRender option fails on Windows
==== CL 15911 ====
@FIX: permissions-aware context menus don't respect WV's supervisor override
==== CL 15905 ====
@FIX: WranglerView -> View -> "SearchFilter: Dependent Jobs" does not show
expected results
==== CL 15887 ====
@FIX: malformed job with NULL values in 'lastupdate', 'timestart',
'timesubmit', 'timecomplete' fields crashes WV
==== CL 15854 ====
@FIX: scenefile path in Maya batch "appFindier" jobs is erroneously
double-quoted when it contains spaces
==== CL 15828 ====
@FIX: nuke loadOnce jobs fail to load the nuke script, script path is unquoted
in nuke.scriptOpen()
==== CL 15789 ====
@FIX: KeyError: 'cmdTemplate' when Maya BatchRender "rfs" option (Renumber
Start Frame) is set to a positive number
==== CL 15767 ====
@FIX: --submitJobtype argument fails to launch a submission window
==== CL 15762 ====
@FIX: Modo in-app submission on Windows fails with "[Error 2] The system cannot
find the file specified"
==== CL 15710 ====
@FIX: retrying individual frames doesn't retry any instances on dependent frames
==== CL 15695 ====
@FIX: "Check for inactive jobs with running work" data integrity check should
ignore jobs in a dying state
==== CL 15627 ====
@FIX: WV job context menu items are disabled if a qube user has been granted
the synthetic "all" permissions set without also being a qube admin
==== CL 15584 ====
@FIX: "CC year" field is disabled even when the "Use CC Year" field is enabled
==== CL 15572 ====
@FIX: "Check for missing tables" data integrity check should ignore jobs in a
registering state
==== CL 15538 ====
@FIX: 3ds Max stdout includes UTF-16le encoding, logs appear truncated
==== CL 15430 ====
@FIX: paths in outputPaths are double-quoted if the -oimage or -omultipass
arguments contain spaces
==== CL 15377 ====
@FIX: maya_mray_texbake.py missing from WranglerView build
==== CL 15348 ====
@FIX: submission from inside AfterEffects CC 2015 shows "2014" in the
submission UI's "CC year" version field
==== CL 15344 ====
@FIX: AV C4D "Windows workers" - "No such file or directory:
Changes in behavior
==== CL 16575 ====
@CHANGE: show host for pending instance when job flag "host_list" is set
==== CL 16383 ====
@CHANGE: remove non-functional "browse output dirs" in job instance context menu
==== CL 15995 ====
@CHANGE: bakeLayer is now a required field, defaults to "all"
==== CL 15928 ====
@CHANGE: Maya BatchRender jobs now use the python-based pyCmdrange jobtype, the
means that Python must be installed on the workers to run Maya BatchRender jobs
from this point onwards
==== CL 15627 ====
@CHANGE: permissions list is sorted in WV's User Permissions view
==== CL 15538 ====
@CHANGE: start 3dsmaxcmd.exe with a wrapper when running 3ds Max 2016 or later
==== CL 15344 ====
@CHANGE: clean up .pkl file after submit
@CHANGE: print submisison UI launch command to C4D python console