We have a variety of new features and additional platform support released with Qube! 6.8-0. One of the most exciting is the expansion of our the ArtistView UI to take on more functionality from the WranglerView UI. Once all functions have been moved over, we'll have a single UI running on the faster ArtistView architecture - the NEW Qube! UI.
BETA - Job submission from within ArtistView for select packages
The first ever support for job submission through ArtistView. With the 6.8-0 release, we'll only be supporting a limited number of software packages, but we'll be adding more and more every month after the release until we have covered all of the platforms we support.
In this first BETA release, you can try job submission for After Effects, C4D, and for some Maya uses.
Please take note of the more consolidated interface that should ease the pain of scrolling down a long list of submission parameters and help you skip to just those fields you need to edit for this particular job.
BETA - Centralized preferences for job submission within ArtistView
New in ArtistView and offered for the first time ever in a Qube! product, centralized preferences management for job submission. Now you can set preferences for job submission across the entire facility or a subset of the facility. With this level of control over job submission, you can reduce errors, reduce questions or ambiguity, and take another step closer to enforcing some of the process and data management policies in your facility.
JSON ingest support in ArtistView
Select and ingest JSON files in ArtistView to streamline your workflow for certain functions.
Support for the VRED Sequencer
Now you can schedule a job that uses the popular VRED Sequencer to string together frames or render a set of different VRED viewpoints. Almost anything you can do in the VRED sequencer can now be done in Qube.
Updated VRED submission interface
Stepping away from our previous HTML version of VRED job submission, Qube has been updated to support the latest from Autodesk. Users can now submit a job directly from inside VRED.
Please note that the VRED SR (Subscription Release) is not supported yet.
WranglerView Performance Improvements
Very few changes were made to WranglerView from 6.7-1 to 6.8-0, but since we did release some substantial (and noticeable) improvements to performance in the 6.7-1c release of WranglerView, we wanted to remind users those changes were made. With such a noticeable improvement occurring outside of a major release, it's important to note the changes were made in a maintenance release.
New Job Type Support for ToonBoom's Harmony
Submit jobs to Harmony for both the network and standalone versions of the popular software package.
Requires Harmony version 12.2 or greater.
Updated Windows Platform Support
Officially supported on both Windows 8 and 10.
Updated CentOS Platform Support
Now supported on CentOS versions 6.7, 7.0 and 7.1.
Updated OS X Platform Support
Qube! comes to OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
Updated Modo Support
For Modo version 9.
Updated Houdini Support
For Houdini 14.
Updated VRED Platform Support
Both OS X and Linux OS's are now supported for VRED 2016.