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    Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 7.5-0


    Code Block
    #!/usr/bin/pythonenv python3
    import os, sys
    # The next few lines attempt to import the Qube API. If the path to the qb module
    # is not in $PATH or $PYTHONPATH, we will attempt to find it by looking in known
    # locations
        import qb
    except ImportError:
        if os.environ.get("QBDIR"):
            qbdir_api = os.path.join(os.environ.get("QBDIR"),"api","python")
        for api_path in (qbdir_api,
                         "C:\\Program Files\\pfx\\qube\\api\\python",
                         "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\pfx\\qube\\api\\python"):
            if api_path not in sys.path and os.path.exists(api_path):
                    import qb
        # this should throw an exception if we've exhuasted all other possibilities
        import qb
    def main():
        # We're going to submit two jobs in the example - the second will wait
        # for the first
        # Set up the basic job properties as we've done before.  We're going to do
        # a "sleep" job, so we'll limit this test to osx or linux
        job = {}
        job['name'] = 'python parent job'
        job['cpus'] = 2
        job['prototype'] = 'cmdrange'
        job['requirements'] = 'host.os=linux or host.os=osx'
        # For the package, we'll just do a simple sleep
        package = {}
        package['cmdline'] = 'sleep 5'
        job['package'] = package
         # Create a typical agenda, as we've done in previous examples.
        agendaRange = '0-60x10'
        agenda = qb.genframes(agendaRange)
        job['agenda'] = agenda
         # Now we submit a single job (as a single element list).   
        # This will be the parent job
        listOfJobsToSubmit = []
        listOfSubmittedJobs = qb.submit(listOfJobsToSubmit)
        parentJobID = listOfSubmittedJobs[0]['id']
        print ('parent: %d' % parentJobID)
        # Now we'll create a second job that will be dependent on the first
        # the basic setup is the same as before
        job = {}
        job['name'] = 'python child job'
        job['cpus'] = 1
        job['prototype'] = 'cmdrange'
        job['requirements'] = 'host.os=linux or host.os=osx'
        # To create the dependency on the parent, we simply create a
        # 'dependency' attribute.  See link in this doc's text for more information
        job['dependency'] = 'link-done-job-%d' % parentJobID
        # Continuing on, we create a typical "sleep" job for testing
        package = {}
        package['cmdline'] = 'sleep 20'
        job['package'] = package
        # As before, we submit the single job as a single element list
        listOfJobsToSubmit = []
        listOfSubmittedJobs = qb.submit(listOfJobsToSubmit)
        for job in listOfSubmittedJobs:
            print ('child: %d' % job['id'])
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Running this script will create 2 jobs.  The first will run immediately, the second will be in a blocked state until the first job completes, then it will automatically start running.
