Having the Qube! commands available in the path from the command-line can be useful. Here is what is needed to set this up:
- Linux (~/.cshrc/ or ~/.,tcshrc):
setenv QBDIR /usr/local/pfx/qube
set path = ($path $QBDIR/bin $QBDIR/sbin)
- Linux (~/.bashrc):
export QBDIR=/usr/local/pfx/qube
export PATH=$PATH:$QBDIR/bin:$QBDIR/sbin
- OS X (~/.bashrc):
export QBDIR=/Applications/pfx/qube
export PATH=$PATH:$QBDIR/bin:$QBDIR/sbin
- Windows: The .msi automatically adds the
C:\Program Files\qube\bin
to the PATH.