Qube!'s requirement specification is expression based. The proper use of these expressions will allow a user to specify the host and/or the conditions required before a job is allowed to run.
The syntax for specifying the expression is similar to Perl or C. The evaluation of the expression where:
Operator | Definition | Expression | Result | |
min | minimum | 10 min 12 | 10 | |
max | maximum | 10 max 12 | 12 | |
sub, - | subtract | 10 sub 8 | 2 | |
add, + | addition | 1 + 2 | 3 | |
mul, * | multiplication | 3 * 4 | 12 | |
div, / | division | 14 / 7 | 2 | |
xor, ^ | XOR | 12 xor 8 | 4 | |
mod, % | modulus | 10 % 4 | 2 | |
in | value in list (string with commas) | "v" in "x,y,v" | true | |
has | list (string with commas) has value | "x,y,v" has "v" | true | |
not, ! | NOT | not 1 | false | |
eq, =, == | equal | 10 == 10 | true | |
ne, <>, != | NOT equal | 10 != 10 | false | |
and, && | AND | 1 and 0 | false | |
or, || | OR | 1 or 0 | true | |
& | bitwise AND | 12 & 8 | 8 | |
| | bitwise OR | 8 | &| 4 | 12 |
lt, < | less than | 5 < 10 | true | |
gt, > | greater than | 5 > 10 | false | |
le, <= | less than or equal | 4 >= 6 | false | |
ge, >= | greater than or equal | 4 <= 6 | true | |
rs, >> | bitwise right shift (used to divide by 2n) | 4 >> 1 | 2 | |
ls, << | bitwise left shift (used to multiply by 2n) | 4 << 1 | 8 |
The reason for multiple definitions for most operators is to allow a programmer more flexibility in the case of Unix command line applications where reserved characters like the ">", unless otherwise escaped, will be interpreted by the shell.
Operands in Qube! also have a syntax. They all follow a base class.type
Operand | Values |
host.os | "linux", "irix", "winnt", "osx" |
host.processor_speed | CPU speed in MHz |
host.processor_make | "GenuineIntel", "AuthenticAMD" |
host.processor_model | "pentium" |
host.kernel_version | Version reported by the operating system. |
host.architecture | "intel", "mips" |
host.name | Host name |
host.groups | Comma delimited list of group names |
host.cluster | Cluster specification string |
host.state | Host state |
host.restrictions | List of restricted cluster specification strings |
host.flags | Numeric representation of the Worker's flags |
host.qube_version | Worker version of Qube! |
host.jobtypes | Comma delimited list of job types |
host.flag.name | true if the flag exists |
host.duty.property | Comma delimited list of job properties for jobs on the worker. |
More advanced uses of the requirements expression have allowed many allow Qube! users to route a job to a specific host and also conversely restrict a job from a host.
Run my job only if there isn't already one of this job's subjobs instances running on it:
not (job.id in host.duty.id)