The parts of Qube!
A Qube farm has 3 main components:
- The Qube! clients, machines that submit jobs. Typically these are artists or end-users workstations.
- The Qube! workers, machines that run jobs. A client can also be a worker.
- The Qube! supervisor, which controls what jobs are sent to which workers.
Installation in a nutshell:
- Install the following components on the supervisor machine first in the following order:
- Qube core
- Qube supervisor
- On Windows
- ActiveState Python version; 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7
- ActiveState Perl version; 5.10 or 5.14
- Qube! WranglerView
- Install at least one worker machine:
- Qube core
- Qube worker
- On Windows
- ActiveState Python version; 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7
- ActiveState Perl version; 5.10 or 5.14
- (optional) any DynamicAllocation jobtypes; Maya, 3dsMax, XSI, etc.
- Qube! WranglerView
- Client machines:
- Qube core
- Qube ArtistView for a simplified job management interface
- Or, Qube WranglerView (also know as the QubeGUI) for a more powerful job and worker management interface
Tip |
Download, installation and/or upgrade can now be handled by our new installation wizard: Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall using QubeInstaller Wizard - deprecated |
For further customizations please refer to the User's Guide and the Administrator's Guide.
Requirements Checklist
Please ensure the below requirements are met before continuing with this guide
- All computers with OS installed, licensed, and networked.
- Hostname resolution (DNS) working properly on all computers.
- Authentication infrastructure installed and working: NIS / YP / LDAP for linux, OpenDirectory for OSX, ActiveDirectory for Windows.
- Network filesystem reachable by Client and Worker machines. Alternatively if no authentication infrastructure is in place please ensure open read and write privileges are set.
- All applications (Maya, AfterEffects, etc) already installed on the clients and workers and licensed.
- Python and Perl are installed if using separate jobtypes
- All necessary Qube! installers already downloaded and on a filesystem accessible by all machines.
- If a network account is to be used for the proxy user account, this account should already have been created and granted permission to the shared file system.
- Current Qube! Supervisor license issued for the correct MAC address.
Supervisor Specifications
Below is a recommendation of minimum specifications for optimal operation of Qube! Supervisor.
< 10 workers:
- 4-core
- 4GB of ram
10 ->30 workers:
- 8-core
30 -> 150 workers:
- 8-core
- 8GB RAM minimum, 12GB recommended
150 -> 250 workers:
- 8-core
- 12 GB RAM minimum, 12GB recommended
Note |
Please note that beyond 30 render nodes you will need to alter qb.conf to optimize performance |
Installation in a nutshell
- Install the following components on the supervisor machine first in the following order:
- Qube core
- Qube supervisor
- On Windows
- ActiveState Python version; 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7
- ActiveState Perl version; 5.10 or 5.14
- Qube! WranglerView
- Install at least one worker machine:
- Qube core
- Qube worker
- On Windows
- ActiveState Python version; 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7
- ActiveState Perl version; 5.10 or 5.14
- (optional) any DynamicAllocation jobtypes; Maya, 3dsMax, XSI, etc.
- Qube! WranglerView
- Client machines:
- Qube core
- Qube ArtistView for a simplified job management interface
- Or, Qube WranglerView (also know as the QubeGUI) for a more powerful job and worker management interface
Tip |
Download, installation and/or upgrade can now be handled by our new installation wizard: Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall using QubeInstaller Wizard - deprecated |
For further customizations please refer to the User's Guide and the Administrator's Guide.
This belongs in the Admin section under "manual installs"