Versions Compared


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    • We allow your supervisor to dispatch to any number of hosts, regardless of how many prepaid licenses are installed on your supervisor.
    • Once a minute the Metered License data collector queries your supervisor for how many workers it has dispatched jobs to, and how many prepaid licenses it has.
    • The collected license usage data is periodically sent to the Metered Licensing Portal (MLP).  The default is to transmit every 15 minutes.  The data sent is limited to:
      • the date and time
      • your supervisor's MAC address 
      • your supervisor's Qube version
      • the number of prepaid licenses
      • the number of used licenses
    • The MLP sends back a license which continues to allow your supervisor to dispatch in excess of its prepaid licenses. 
    • The amount of used licenses in excess of the number of prepaid licenses gives us a number of "worker-minute" licenses for every minute of every day.
    • At the end of the month, we add up all the worker-minutes used for the month and will invoice you at the rate of US $0.10 per hour posted on the pricing page of the website, with partial hours billed to the minute. 
