
    @RELEASE: 6.7-2


    ==== CL 14567 ====
    @CHANGE:For right-click actions, the positive reponse is now the default.

    ==== CL 14566 ====
    @FIX:Only display output path and host info for instances and frames that are running, failed, or have completed.

    ==== CL 14552 ====
    @FIX:Modifying multiple jobs at the same time would destroy all jobs' env, regardless of whether or not any jobs' env was modified.

    ==== CL 14475 ====
    @FIX:Fixed issue where clicking on a running frame or instance while looking at the job logs tab would clear job logs for all completed other instances.

    ==== CL 14350 ====
    @FIX:Attempting to fetch memory usage statistics without direct sql queries would cause an internal crash.

    ==== CL 14298 ====
    @FIX:Fixed thumbnails tab on Windows.

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