This page provides documentation for all command-line utilities.
All commands
qbadmin: Administrative command used to control qube
qbarchive: Output a job to a Qube archive file.
qbblock: Forces a job to quit, and suspend its execution on the farm
qbbottom: Move a job to the bottom of its priority level
qbconfigfile: Parse a config file and display results
qberr: Display the stderr log of a job instance
qbhash: Generate and display the hashed string for a given password
qbhist: Display the history of a job
qbhosts: List Worker hosts
qbinterrupt: Force a job to quit, and requeue immediately in a pending state
qbjoborder: List jobs scheduled to run on a Worker host
qbjobs: List jobs
qbkill: Kill jobs
qblock: Lock available job slots on a Worker
qblogin: Windows passwords management
qbmigrate: Force a job to release its host and move to another
qbmodify: Modify jobs in the queue
qbout: Display the stdout log of a job instance
qbpreempt: Ask a job to release its worker job slots, let the current work (frame) finish
qbremove: Remove jobs from the queue
qbrequeue: Moves a job into the blocked state after a job has completed
qbresume: Resume a suspended job
qbretire: Ask a job instance to release its host, and then go prematurely to "complete" state
qbretry: Moves a job from a "done" (complete/failed/killed) status back to pending
qbshove: Force the Supervisor to re-evaluate a job immediately
qbstats: Display job statistics
qbsub: Submit a cmdline or cmdrange job
qbsummary: Display queue summary
qbsuspend: Suspend a process upon the host which the job is running on
qbtop: Move a job to the top of its priority level
qbunblock: Move a job from a blocked state into the pending state
qbunlock: Unlock available job slots on a Qube! Worker
Inform the supervisor of license usage counts from external license managers
:Modifies the permissions for an individual user
Commonly-used artist commands
qbblock: Forces a job to quit, and suspend its execution on the farm
qbbottom: Move a job to the bottom of its priority level
qberr: Display the stderr log of a job instance
qbhist: Display the history of a job
qbhosts: List Worker hosts
qbinterrupt: Force a job to quit, and requeue immediately in a pending state
qbjobs: List jobs
qbkill: Kill jobs
qblock: Lock available job slots on a Worker
qbmigrate: Force a job to release its host and move to another
qbmodify: Modify jobs in the queue
qbout: Display the stdout log of a job instance
qbremove: Remove jobs from the queue
qbrequeue: Moves a job into the blocked state after a job has completed
qbresume: Resume a suspended job
qbretire: Ask a job instance to release its host, and then go prematurely to "complete" state
qbretry: Moves a job from a "done" (complete/failed/killed) status back to pending
qbshove: Force the Supervisor to re-evaluate a job immediately
qbsub: Submit a cmdline or cmdrange job
qbsummary: Display queue summary
qbsuspend: Suspend a process upon the host which the job is running on
qbtop: Move a job to the top of its priority level
qbunblock: Move a job from a blocked state into the pending state
qbunlock: Unlock available job slots on a Qube! Worker
Administration-level commands
qbadmin: Administrative command used to control qube
qbconfigfile: Parse a config file and display results
qbhash: Generate and display the hashed string for a given password
qbjoborder: List jobs scheduled to run on a Worker host
qblogin: Windows passwords management
Inform the supervisor of license usage counts from external license managers
:Modifies the permissions for an individual user