Versions Compared


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     READ CAREFULLY: Only attempt to migrate the databases between supervisors of the same version.

    This document applies to Qube 7.0 and above only, where MySQL has been replaced with PostgreSQL. Refer to older versions of this document for earlier versions of the supervisor.


    If you're doing this to install a new supervisor and want to run the latest version of Qube! on the new supervisor, match versions between the supervisors first, and then upgrade the new supervisor once the databases have been migrated over to it.


    To migrate a Qube supervisor, you need to migrate both the MySQL PostgreSQL databases and the job logs if the job logs are stored on the supervisor's local disk. If your job logs are stored on the network you will not have to move them, simply set the supervisor_logpath on the new supervisor to point to the same network directory as the old supervisor.

    It is recommended that you start moving the job logs before you start migrating the MySQL PostgreSQL databases, as the job logs will take longer to move.

    Don't forget to duplicate any settings you've changed in the old supervisor's qb.conf.

    To migrate the


    PostgreSQL database: 

    The following instructions use the unix 'ls' command. You may want to install cygwin on the old supervisor if it's a Windows machine if you are following along, otherwise, substitute the equivalent Windows command line commands.

    Build the new supervisor up, install MySQL if it's a Linux host, then install the same version ofQube that you are running on the old supervisor, then stop the supervisor daemon on the new supervisor. Now the new supervisor is ready to have the databases copied over. The trick is to build a mysqldump command that will only dump the *qube databases, then send them over the network to the new server.

    Grant access to the root user from the old server.

    On the new server, at the mysql> prompt:

    No Format
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'';

    (replace the ip address in the command with the ip address of your old server)

    Test the access from the old supervisor:

    No Format
    mysql -u root -h <newHostName> -B -e "SELECT USER()"


    It should return something like:

    No Format
    USER() root@

    Now that you can access the MySQL server on the new supervisor from the MySQL server on the old supervisor, it's time to push the dump across from the old supervisor to the new one.


    On the old supervisor: 

    You need to build a list of all the *qube databases. The simplest way is to 'cd' into the mysql data directory and list them with "ls"

    No Format
    cd /usr/local/mysql/data
    No Format
    \ls -d *qube pfx_dw pfx_stats
    1qube  2qube  3qube  4qube  5qube  6qube  7qube  8qube pfx_dw pfx_stats qube

    Note the use of the leading backslash on the 'ls' command. It's to skip any aliases or formatting operators that you usually pass to 'ls', to avoid having slahes on the end of the directory names. The output from the 'ls' command should look like the above.


    No Format
    mysqldump --opt --databases `\ls -d *qube` | mysql -u root -h <linux ip address>

    Those are backticks around the "\ls -d *qube" command. The backtick is the left-leaning single-quote below the ~ character on the keyboard.




    	old supervisor: mysqldump --opt --databases 1qube 2qube 3qube ... qube > some_file.sql
    new supervisor: mysql -u root < some_file.sql

    The list of qube databases (1qube 2qube 3qube, etc) can be found by looking in c:\Program Files\pfx\qube\mysql\data for all files that contain the word "qube".


    If you get a error message:

    [ERROR] mysqld: Can't open file: './<database>/<table>.frm' (errno: 24)

    You need to increase your open_file_limits in my.cnf. On the old supervisor, add:

    open_files_limit = 100000

    to the [mysqld] section of my.cnf


    The mysqldump should take quite a while to finish, and will print no output. A way to check if it's doing the right thing while it's running is to login to the mysql server on linux machine, and run:

    No Format

    You should start to see some qube databases with numbers in front of them, like 12qube. Run the command every minute or so, and the list of databases should be growing. Once the mysqldump command has finished on the old supervisor, you'll need to do a bit of maintenance on the new tables on the new supervisor.


    On the new supervisor

    No Format
    mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges
    No Format
    mysqlcheck -u root --repair --all-databases

    Once that's done, you should start the supervisor service.
    Verify Stop the postgresql-pfx service on the old and new supervisors, then just copy the data directory to the new supervisor host. Make sure that the file ownership and permissions are all preserved (they should belong to the "pfx" user).

    The location of the data directory is:

    Linux: /usr/local/pfx/pgsql/data

    Mac: /Applications/pfx/pgsql/data

    Windows: C:\Program Files\pfx\pgsql\data

    Once that's done, you should start the postgresql-pfx service and the supervisor service on the new machine.

    On the new supervisor, verify that the jobs are present:

    No Format
    qbjobs -u all


    Verify that you can see the logs for a random job:
