Versions Compared


    • This line was added.
    • This line was removed.
    • Formatting was changed.



    The restriction value is actually evaluated as an expression, and multiple clusters are specified in a "this cluster OR that cluster OR the other cluster" type of string, with the " || " symbol to mean OR.


    Job Restrictions

    qbsub -cl /private -restr /private <cmd>Submit a job that will have highest priority in /private and run only in /private
    qbsub -cl /private/very -restr '/private or /private/*' <cmd>Submit a job that will have highest priority in /private/very, but could run in any host in /private or in the first level below /private
    qbsub -cl /private/very/deep -restr '/private or /private/*+' <cmd>hostnameSubmit a job that will have highest priority in /private/very/deep, but could run in any host at any level at /private or below qbsub -cl

    Worker Restrictions

    -restr ' or private/+' hostname
    worker_cluster = "/private/very/deep"
    worker_restrictions = "/private

    Worker Restrictions

    very/deep"Define a host that will only run jobs in /private/very/deep
    worker_cluster = "/private/very/deep"
    worker_restrictions = "/private or /veryprivate/deep*"
    Define a host that will run jobs in any cluster at /private or 1 level below - done with the *
    worker_cluster = "/private/very"
    worker_restrictions = "/private/very or /private/*very/+"

    Define a host that will only run jobs in /private/very or any level below - done with the +worker_cluster = "/private/very"
    worker_restrictions = "/private/very or /private/very/+"