Composition If the comp is in the render queue already, and in a queueable state, then (only) the first queueable instance of that comp on the render queue will be rendered. If the comp is in the project but not in the render queue, then it will be added to the render queue and rendered. If no -comp argument is provided, aerender will render the entire render queue as is. In this case (no -comp), the only other arguments used will be -project, -log, -v, -mem_usage, and -close; the -RStemplate, -OMtemplate, -output, -s, -e, and -i arguments will be ignored. Leave at the default unless you are an advanced After Effects user. For more information, see the After Effects documentation. Render Queue Index Specifies a render queue item to be rendered. Options that make sense when rendering a single render queue item are available like with the -comp flag. Enter the numeric value to override scene render queue index settings. Leave at the default unless you are an advanced After Effects user. For more information, see the After Effects documentation.