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  1. Starting and Stopping the PostgreSQL Database Server

    Here's how to stop or start the PostgreSQL server on the supervisor machine on a command prompt. Linux: As the "root" user: systemctl stop postgresql-pfx systemctl start…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  2. Transferring data from MySQL to PostgreSQL

    to the PostgreSQL server on the default port for MySQL. This is due to the database_port being defined in the qb.conf file, but still set to the value for a MySQL server. Introduction…
    QubeApr 14, 2020
  3. How to move a MySQL data directory on linux

    into the Supervisor as the root user Stop the Supervisor service: service supervisor stop Stop the postgresql server: service postgresql-pfx stop Copy the current datadir over to the new…
    QubeMay 23, 2018
  4. How to migrate a Qube! supervisor

    replaced with PostgreSQL. Refer to older versions of this document for earlier versions of the supervisor. If you're doing this to install a new supervisor and want to run…
    QubeMay 23, 2018
  5. How do I set the Qube database with a different user?

    The supervisor installer installs its own copy of PostgreSQL, running on a non-standard port 50055, and creates and uses the user "qube" to access the database named "pfx…
    QubeMay 23, 2018
  6. Where is the MySQL configuration file?

    The PostgreSQL install location is OS-specific: Linux: /usr/local/pfx/pgsql Mac: /Applications/pfx/pgsql Windows (all versions): C:\Program Files\pfx\pgsql…
    QubeMay 23, 2018
  7. How to upgrade a supervisor on Windows

    If both of the following conditions are true, you will need to take the extra steps outlined in Transferring data from MySQL to PostgreSQL when upgrading the supervisor…
    QubeMay 23, 2018
  8. How do I backup the Supervisor?

    : /usr/local/pfx/qube /etc/qb.conf /etc/qbwrk.conf /etc/init.d/supervisor PostgreSQL data directory: /usr/local/pfx/pgsql/data (Linux) /Applications/pfx/pgsql/data (Mac) C…
    QubeAug 16, 2018
  9. Upgrading Qube!

    If both of the following conditions are true, you will need to take the extra steps outlined in Transferring data from MySQL to PostgreSQL when upgrading the supervisor…
    QubeJun 14, 2018
  10. database_port

    Synopsis database_port = port Port is the number of the port the Supervisor will use to connect to the database server. Example database_port = 5001 Defaults PostgreSQL
    QubeJun 13, 2018