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Redshift Job Submission
= host.GPU_lock= worker_resources = host.GPU_0=1,host.GPU_1=1 [render0004] worker_properties = host.GPU_lock= worker_resources = host.GPU_0=1,host.GPU_1=1 Then when submitting…Python job submission with Python language callback
Here, we demonstrate how to submit a job through the Python API that runs a python script as a callback. This example shows a very simple callback that writes the job id…Submission Interfaces
or chunks in the submitted job. pre_show_validate Python function on_pre_show_validate This Python function is called before pre_dialog and should return a boolean…flightChecks
executables on a per-submission basis. See the "qbsub" documentation for details. The Qube API's job submit routine also may be used to specify flight checks when submitting jobs. These API…_smartShare
on the farm. As other users begin to submit jobs as well, a user's job will shrink to allow for a more "balanced" usage of the farm between jobs. No job will shrink below its…SmartShare
. As other users begin to submit jobs as well, a user's job will shrink to allow for a more "balanced" usage of the farm between jobs. No job will shrink below its "instance count…_SimpleCMD_QubeUIParametersMaya
by the workers. Project Directory Path to Maya project directory. If you are submitting from Maya, this will be filled in for you. Otherwise, browse for or enter manually…_SimpleCMD_ParametersMaya
by the workers. Project dir Path to Maya project directory. If you are submitting from Maya, this will be filled in for you. Otherwise, browse for or enter manually the location…AppFinder Jobs
- and cmdrange-based jobs in that they will "find" a particular version of a 3rd-party application on the worker when the job runs. This has several benefits: The submitting user…Practical example Renderman job
' # Below appends the details of this task to the job dictionary for later submission task.append(job) # Below submits the task list to Qube! listOfSubmittedJobs…