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as failed. This field comes pre-populated with expressions based on the application you are submitting from. You can add more to the list, one entry per line. regex_outputPaths…_SimpleCmd_QubeUIJobValidation
in the logs, the job will be marked as failed. This field comes pre-populated with expressions based on the application you are submitting from. You can add more to the list, one entry…supervisor_language_flags
to complete before continuing. "Qbsub --waitfor" or qb.waitfor() make use of this flag mail 16 / 0010000 Enables the mail function to work when a job is submitted with the email…_qubeuiPreferencesUIDisplay
, prod_custom4, prod_custom5 Enquire through Qube->Advanced Filter database (job) columns Apply global, server side, job list…Using the kickstart file
individual component installation files, is on a shared file server). To use the kickstart file, you must run the installer on the command line. In fact, the installer may only…qbshove
-evaluated to see if it is a dispatch candidate when an "event" of some sort occurs; the job is submitted or modified, a Worker becomes free, etc. Sometimes job or Worker…qbadmin
reject_submit-unset stop_activity Unsets Supervisor mode --resource Display the current state of all global resources. --globalcallback language triggers code Submit…Packages
= { name => "my job" }; my $package = { scenefile => "/my/scene/file/", outputdir => "/location/to/my/images" }; $job->{package} = $package; qb::submit($job…_SimpleCMD_QubeFrameRangeWithChunk
render the selected frames 1,3,7,10 Execution How to break up frame range to be executed. Use QB_START_FRAME, QB_END_FRAME and QB_FRAME_NUMBER When submitting a job to the farm…_SimpleCMD_ParametersNuke
. This is filled in for you if you are submitting from Nuke itself. The script and all its dependent files should be accessible to any Worker that will pick up this job. 3- .png execute…