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  1. Monitoring Jobs in the UI

    the instructions for Installing Qube. Launch the Qube! UI To launch the Qube! UI, do this: Windows: Click on the PipelineFX->Qube! UI start menu item, or double click it at Program Files…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  2. Job Structure

    " will have discrete strings for each agenda item that will be run at a command prompt (e.g. "dir", "ls", "cinema4D -frame 1 5 1 -render /path/to/file.c4d"). A job with type "maya…
    QubeJan 13, 2015
  3. _jobFlags

    use it internally, and job objects don't nest well within other job objects, causing jobs to crash unexpectedly. elite 512 Submit job as an elite job, which will be started
    QubeMay 29, 2018
  4. Work Agendas

    and dynamic use of processor power, with the use of third party applications such as Maya. The method of use, from submission to completion starts with first determining…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  5. _qubeuiPanelJobsDescription

    - manually interrupting a lower priority job will free up those resources to allow the high priority job to start. The lower priority job will start up again as soon as workers become…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  6. _SimpleCMD_ParametersMaya

    numbers in the output file name. Frame Padding Number of digits for frame number, e.g. using 4 would produce name.0001.ext. Renumber StartFrame The starting output image…
    QubeNov 05, 2014
  7. _SimpleCMD_ParametersNuke

    arguments to the script. Each must start with a non-digit to avoid confusion with frame ranges. Explanation and example needed 4- .png anamorphic This overrides the anamorphic…
    QubeNov 05, 2014
  8. _SimpleCmd_QubeUIAdvancedJobControl

    Advanced_Job_Control.png Flags List of submission flag strings (comma separated). Dependency Wait for specified jobs to complete before starting this job (comma…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  9. Python job submission with agenda based timeout

    to the frame number. Timeouts have a resolution of about 15 seconds, so you should start seeing agenda items timeout at around frame 30-50, and then timeout consistently beyond…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  10. Job and Host Assignment

    (passive or aggressive), the job instance is pre-empted as follows: passive preemption: when the job instance finishes the frame it's currently working on aggressive preemption…
    QubeJan 14, 2015