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  1. Monitoring Jobs in the UI

    with a Job Right-clicking on a job (or a frame, worker, or instance, for that matter), will bring up a context menu: MonitorJobsInTheUI_05.png The contents of that menu depend…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  2. CPU-Minutes

    , the "timecumulative" value is set to 180 when the instance or frame is complete/failed/killed. If the same job or instance is retried and is allocated 8 slots the next time around, and runs for 30…
    QubeJan 13, 2015
  3. _SimpleCMD_PreFlightChecks

    on the Worker before the frame/work runs. If this fails, the frame/work will be marked as failed and rendering will be skipped. If there are retries configured, the frame/work…
    QubeOct 31, 2014
  4. _SimpleCMD_QubeUIFlightChecks

    ) that will run on the Worker before the frame/work runs. If this fails, the frame/work will be marked as failed and rendering will be skipped. If there are retries configured, the frame/work…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  5. Job States

    , with no failures. failing Job that has not finished, but has at least one frame or instance that has failed. retrying Jobs that have retry counts greater than zero, and have been…
    QubeJan 13, 2015
  6. _qubeuiPanelFramesDescription 1

    or the job is retried. Unblock: Remove a block from an instance. Complete: Mark this instance as complete. Interrupt: Stop this instance from processing any more work, but set…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  7. _qubeuiPanelFramesDescription

    Panel and select the worker than rendered this Frame. Complete: Change the state of this frame to "complete," even if it has not yet run. Retry: Re-render the selected frame(s…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  8. _jobFlags

    . migrate_on_frame_retry 65536 When an agenda item (frame) fails but is retried automatically because the retrywork option is set, setting this flag causes the instances…
    QubeMay 29, 2018
  9. Job and Host Assignment

    (passive or aggressive), the job instance is pre-empted as follows: passive preemption: when the job instance finishes the frame it's currently working on aggressive preemption…
    QubeJan 14, 2015
  10. qbsub

    before each automatic retry of work item --preflights string,... instance-level preflights (comma-separated) --postflights string,... instance-level postflights (comma…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017