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  1. Work Agendas

    and dynamic use of processor power, with the use of third party applications such as Maya. The method of use, from submission to completion starts with first determining…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  2. _SimpleCMD_QubeUIQubeBasics

    as much of the farm as it can, and all jobs will share evenly across the farm. Examples: On a 12 slot(core) machine running Maya if you set "Instances" to 4 "Reservations…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  3. _qubeUninstallWorkerOrder

    is: uninstall the Qube worker uninstalll all Qube jobtypes (maya, 3ds Max, etc) uninstall the QubeGUI (if installed) uninstall the Qube-core…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  4. Cross-Platform Rendering

    render farms made up of multiple operating systems. In both cases, rendering becomes a problem as paths are different across operating systems. For example, the path to a Maya scene…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017

    creates an empty dictionary to be filled by the following lines of code job = {} # Below defines the name of the Qube! job job['name'] = 'Maya BatchRender (rib…
  6. Testing

    will write a txt file with the hostname of the worker and its ability to write to the set location : a basic maya scene with a range of 1 - 100…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  7. Modo Job Submission

    don't see the "Maya App UI" entry in the menu, the Maya JobType was not installed. This should have happened with you installed the Worker, but if not, see this page for details…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  8. How to limit the number of renders on a host

    with Maya render jobs, you can create a Maya worker resource with a quantity of 1 per Worker. You'll need to use the Configuration tool, select Worker Settings, then Worker Configuration…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  9. Developing a new Job Type submission interface

    the code for use of "maya," as an example. Add along with the other imports: import submitscript Add a menu item for the submit script and bind a callback to it. Add the callback…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  10. Can you give an overview of Qube's architecture from a workflow standpoint?

    backend (script or executable) that reads the job package and launches the appropriate command line or executable for the rendering. The application (e.g. Maya) then reads…
    QubeMay 23, 2018